Список ошибок (коды ошибок) оборудования Unox

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Breakdown messages of oven
EF1 Break down of the electric circuit of the chamber probe 1 (rear) The unit uses the chamber probe 2 (if this one is broken too, the oven stops and it's not possible to restart it. The display shows the letters EF1) The connection wires of the chamber probe 1 are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged cavity probe 1 Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged power card Replace power card
EF2 Break down of the electric circuit of the chamber probe 2 (front) The unit uses the chamber probe 1 (if this one is broken too, the oven stops and it's not possible to restart it. The display shows the letters EF2) The connection wires of the cavity probe 2 are disconnected from the power board Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged cavity probe 2 Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged power card Replace power card
EF3 Break down of the electric circuit of the chamber core probe Impossible to set heart temperature and use the programmes that use the core probe The connection wires of the core probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged core probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged power card Replace power card
EF4 Motor thermal protection intervention  The oven stops and it's not possible to restart it again The minimum distance between free room and the appliance is not respected Keep the minimum distance between ovens and walls as suggested in the Unox instruction guide (5 cm to 10 cm)
Defective capacitor - the motor takes longer to reach the normal speed, vibrations, etc Check and eventually replace the capacitor
Damaged motor bearing Replace the motor
Damaged power card Replace power card
EF5 Safety thermostat intervention The oven stops and it's not possible to restart again The sensor has detected a temperature over 318°C in the external part of the chamber - even if the probe was setted to lower temperatures Check the effective chamber temperature:
- if the oven probe is right the Safety Termostat is defective and it should be replaced
- if the temperature misured by the oven is wrong a probelm occurred in the chamer probes, refer to EF1 or EF2 for the diagnosys and fixing.
The sensor has detected a temperature over 318°C in the external part of the chamber - when the chamber temperature was setted to approx 300 °C Control that the minimum distance between ovens and walls as suggested in the Unox instruction guide (5 cm to 10 cm) is respected
EF6 Break down of the electric circuit of  the power board The oven stops and it's not possible to restart again Control board / Power card connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged power card Replace power card
EF7 Loss of communication between oven and connected accessories The accessory doesn't starts Cable connection (RJ45) between oven and accessory is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the RJ45 cable
Damaged power card of accessory Replace power card

Breakdown messages of blast chiller
EA1 Break down system of electric circuit of the chamber probe The blast chiller stops and it's not possible to restart (remains the letters EA1) The connection wires of the cavity probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged chamber probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged blast chiller power card Replace power card
EA2 Break down system of electric circuit of the chamber core probe Impossible to set heart temperature and use the programmes that use the core probe The connection wires of the chamber probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged core probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged blast chiller power card Replace power card
EA3 Overpressure The blast chiller stops and it's impossible to restart (remains the letters EA3) Overpressure in the refrigeration circuit Switch off the power supply of the blast chiller, wait for some minutes and then switch on again. If remains the letter EA3 check the refrigeration circuit
Damaged blast chiller power card Replace power card
EA4 Filter cleaning Don't change the normal work of blast chiller but it will always remain the message EA4 for 3” Filters working limit reached Clean or replace the filter
EA5 Loss of communication between oven and blast chiller The blast chiller stops and it's impossible to restart Oven / blast chiller connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged blast chiller power card Replace power card

Breakdown messages of holding cabinet
EL1 Break down system of electric circuit of the chamber probe The holding cabinet stops and it's not possible to restart The connection wires of the cavity probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged chamber probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged holding cabinet power card Replace power card
EL2 Break down system of electric circuit of the chamber humidity probe The temperature control keeping to work, the water eletrovalve and the resistence are deactivate The connection wires of the humidity probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged humidity probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged holding cabinet power card Replace power card
EL3 Loss of communication between oven and holding cabinet The holding cabinet stops and it's not possible to restart Oven / holding cabinet connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged holding cabinet power card Replace power card

Breakdown messages of hood
EC1 Damaged probe The eletrovalve water exit are deactivate and the motor runs continuosly  The connection wires of the temperature probe are disconnected from the power card Check the electrical circuit connection
Damaged temperature probe Check and eventually replace the probe
Damaged hood power card Replace power card
EC2 Loss of communication between oven and hood The hood doesn't work when the door opens Oven / hood connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged hood power card Replace power card

Breakdown messages of osmosis kit
EO1 Pressure transducer damaged The exit pump and exit eletrovalve are not working Inlet pressure over 4 bar Apply a pressure reducer to the water inlet
Pressure transducer is damaged Check and eventually replace pressure transducer
Transducer / power card connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged osmosis power card Check the presence of the signal from the control board, if detected replace power card of the accessory
EO2 Liter-counter damaged The exit pump and exit eletrovalve of the oven system closes Liter-counter is damaged Check and eventually replace liter-counter
Liter-counter / power card connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged osmosis power card Replace power card
EO3 Filter working limits reached Do not change the regular working of osmosis but each time that starts the control and select the osmosis, remain the letters EO3 for 3” Filters working limit reached Check and eventually replace filter.
After the filters replacement, push at the same time for 3 seconds the "STEP" + "START/STOP" buttons to reset "EO3" error message
EO4 Low water in pressure The exit pump and exit eletrovalve of the oven system closes Inlet water pressure is too low Check water inlet in osmosis kit
EO5 Loss of communication between oven and osmosis system The osmosis doesn't work when turns on the oven Oven / osmosis connecting cable is damaged or disconnected Check and eventually replace the connecting cable
Damaged osmosis power card Replace power card
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